Time left to improve your health this year

Sunday 31 December 2006

Pre - Diet Checks

Before I start on any weight loss course, I spend a little while, maybe a day or two prior the event in preparing and making sure I have everything I need. Nothing beats proper planning and preparation. So I go through a list of foodstuffs and supplies that I know I will need for the first week stock them up and take it from there. I think you are more likely to fail in your attempts at losing weight or dieting if you prefer the term, if you haven’t made every effort to support yourself beforehand.

So here is the outline of my plan, which works for me every time


Cut out all processed food

Avoid potatoes and potato products

Avoid refined sugar.

Avoid wheat and wheat products, bread, sauces with flour etc

Avoid processed hydrogenated oils and Trans fats (no spreads or margarine)

Cut right down on dairy

Decrease salt intake as much as I can and substitute with herbs and spices, particularly thermogenic and diuretic herbs (I am a sea salt addict)

Limit alcohol – no beer, cider. A little wine or gin (this always works for me and prevents mental breakdown).

Increase lean meats (turkey, chicken, beef, and pork)

Increase fish consumption (particularly wild fish where possible for adequate intake of omega 3 fats)

Increase green vegetables and leaves

Increase fresh fruit intake

Increase consumption of nuts and seeds

Increase water intake and fresh vegetable juices

Use home made herbal teas and green tea as a beverage

In general, keep everything as basic and as close to nature as is possible.


Gently increasing to moderately


Now you may feel that everything I have just listed constitutes a dieters prison sentence. Believe me it is not. From tomorrow I will be starting the diet diary, and daily weight loss record. Check in every day to see what I have been doing and eating (I will probably even throw in a few photos for you). I realise that unlike some of you who will be reading this, I only have a small amount of weight poundage to shed, but throughout the blog from here on in, we will be looking at many different approaches to controlling obesity, weight loss and dieting. Not all things suit all people, but something will.

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